Tips for Sun Safety in Preventing Skin Cancer

It can be so tempting to go outdoors and enjoy the sun but you need to remember that exposure to UV radiation can be harmful to your skin. It can increase the risk of skin cancer. The most common form of cancer you can find all over the world is skin cancer so it is a priority to protect your skin from UV damage.

It is a good idea

To perform regular skin exams to see whether there are any changes or abnormalities in your skin. This will help you detect any irregularities early on and you can visit the skin cancer cosmetic clinic to get a prompt diagnosis. You can learn about markings on your skin such as freckles and moles that can indicate skin cancer. You have to monitor these markings for any change in colour, shape or texture. If there are any new or suspicious lesions it is best to get it checked out at a clinic. Also, existing lesions can become itchy, painful or start bleeding. They can be evaluated by a dermatologist. One important habit that you need to stick to is wearing sunscreen every day. This is your first line of defence against UV radiation and you have to wear it even when the sun is cloudy or overcast. You can choose a broad spectrum sunscreen that has a high SPF so that your skin can be protected against UVA and UVB rays. You need to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin and this includes your neck, face, ears and hands. You have to reapply sunscreen every two hours.

When you are outdoors,

Head to shaded areas such as umbrellas and trees so that you can stay away from direct sunlight. UV rays are able to penetrate through clouds and reflect off surfaces like water, sand and snow. So it is important to seek shade even on cloudy days. You can choose clothing to protect you from the sun as well. You can use a wide brimmed hat so that your face gets extra protection. You can also wear lightweight shirts that are sleeveless, pants etc. Look for clothing that is made from tightly worn fabric that can provide a higher level of UPF protection. You can wear sunglasses with UV protection so that you can shield your eyes from the glare. This can reduce the risk of cataracts.

Tanning beds should be avoided as they emit harmful UV radiation.

This can increase your risk of skin cancer. If you still want to tan, you can look for safe ways to do it such as using self-tanning protects or spray tans. A healthy tan is not real and any time your skin changes in colour, this indicates damage to your skin from UV exposure. It is important to stay hydrated throughout the day and this will contribute to healthy skin as well. This is especially important when it comes to hot weather. Excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeinated beverages can cause dehydration which can increase your risk of sunburn.